Using visualization to understand and improve organizations
Information Visualization
“the use of computer supported, interactive, visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition”
Card et al., 1999.
Information Visualization in SIRIS
- Organizational diagnosis and development
- Organization of science
Information Visualization
Visualization provides value in many steps of our work
1. In the analysis process
- Increases the understanding of the data
- Helps the discovery of unexpected facts
Information Visualization
Visualization provides value in many steps of our work
2. In discussions with the customer
- Generates an impact in the customer
- Increases engagement
Information Visualization
Visualization provides value in many steps of our work
3. In the communication of the results
- Gives more credibility to arguments
- They see the facts, rather than read them
What we are doing
- Rankings
- Scientometrics
- University Dashboards
1.1. Rankings - Understand metrics
1.2. Rankings- Understand evolution
2.1. Scientometrics - Understand Scientific Production
2.2. Scientometrics - Coauthorship networks
2.3. Scientometrics - Specialization
3. University Dashboards - Number of students enrolled
Visualization is changing the way we do consultancy
Results end up in an electronic report